LIU Xudong
Jun. 2006-Present, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Lecturer. Jan. 2005-Jan. 2006 Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Postdoctoral Fellow. Sep. 1999-Jan. 2005 Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China, Ph.D. Sep. 1995-Jun. 1999 Jinxi Chemical Co., Ltd., Jinxi, China, Engineer. Sep. 1991-Jun. 1995 Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, B.S.
Two patents have been authorized.
1:Shuyan Gao, Hongjie Zhang, Xudong Liu, Xiaomei Wang, Liaohai Ge, Room-temperature strategy for networked nonspherical gold nanostructures from Au(III)–[G-2]–CO2H dendrimer complex, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2006, 293, 409413. 2 Liu, Xu Dong; Bai, Xiao Li; Qiu, Xue Peng; Gao, Lian Xun, Asymmetric Phase-Transfer Mediated Epoxidation of , -Enones Using Dendritic Catalysts Derived from Cinchona Alkaloids, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2005, 16, 975978. 3 Bai, Xiao-Li; Liu, Xu-Dong; Wang, Mang; Kang, Chuan-Qing; Gao, Lian-Xun, Synthesis of new bis-BINOLs linked by a 2,2-bipyridine bridge, Synthesis, 2005, 3, 458464. 4 Bai, Xiao-Li; Kang, Chuan-Qing; Liu, Xu-Dong; Gao, Lian-Xun, Chiral C2-symmetric ligands containing two binaphthyl units linked by 2,2-bipyridyl bridge in asymmetric catalysis. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2005, 16, 727731. 5 Liu, Xu Dong; Ding, Meng Xian; Gao, Lian Xun, Synthesis and catalytic application of chiral 1,1-binaphthyl polymers, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2004, 15, 3234. 6 Liu, Xu Dong; Ding, Meng Xian; Gao, Lian Xun., Synthesis of PAMAM Dendrimers Bearing BINOL Derivative, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2004, 15, 151154. 7:Liu, X. D.; Ding, M. X.; Gao, L. X., Synthesis of Optically Active Polyuretanes Derived from Chiral Binaphthyl Derivatives (in Chinese), The Proceeds of 2003 National Symposiumon Polymers, pp. D329.