WANG Haiou
Mar.2012-Mar.2013, University of York, UK, Visiting scholar
Jun. 2005-Present, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Associate Professor.
Jun. 2003-Jun.2005, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Lecturer.
Sep. 2000-Jun. 2003, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Ph.D.
Sep. 1997-Jun. 2000, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China, M.S.
Sep. 1993-Jun. 2004 Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China, B.S.
Social Position:
Member of International Phytotechnology Society
Currently hosted projects:
2018.6-2020.6 Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Open Fund, Study on the Accumulation of Organic Pollutants in Soil and Molecular Accumulation of Metabolic Pathways in Rice.(Grant No.KFEM201802)
2014.3-2017.3 Fundamental Research Service Funding Project of Beijing University of Science and Technology (Grant No.2302014JXGGRC-005)
2012.10-2017.10 Project, 863 Development of Multiplex PCR kit for Rapid Detection of ZEN and DON Toxin Strains in Food. (Grant No.2012AA101609)
2011.01-2013.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mechanism of Phosphorus Transporter Gene in the Accumulation of Arsenic in Plants (Grant No. 21007003)
2009.5-2010.12 China Petroleum Science and Technology Innovation Fund, Study of Chlorella on Carbon Dioxide Fixation and Biodiesel Produce (Grant No. 2009D-5006-04-02)
2009.12-2011.12 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Scientific Research Service Foundation, Cloning and Expression of USTB-01 Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase Gene (Grant No. FRF-BR-09-009A)
Scientific Achievements:
She has been engaged in the molecular mechanism study of crop and hyperaccumulator plant’s accumulation and detoxification under abiotic stresses in order to limit persistent pollutants into food chains and protect food safety. At present, she has published nearly 30 papers and 2 academic books.
1)Haiou Wang, Ting Wang, Izhar Ahmad. Involvement of phosphate supplies in different transcriptional regulation pathway of Oryza sativa L.’s antioxidative system in response to arsenite and cadmium stress. Ecotoxicology (2015) 24:1259–1268
2)Haiou Wang, Ran Xu, Lumeng You, Guangrong Zhong. Characterization of Cu-tolerant bacteria and definition of their role in promotion of growth,Cuaccumulation and reduction of Cu toxicity in Triticum aestivum L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013(94), 1-7
3)Haiou Wang. Cu- and Cd -induced Cytotoxicity Involving lipid peroxidation and Sulfhydryl Compounds s in the Hyperaccumulator and Nonaccumulator of Commelina Communis. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development.2013 (4), 331-335
4)Haiou Wang, Ting Wang, Lumeng You, Guangrong Zhong, Guoqing Shi. Effects of vanadate supply on plant growth, Cu accumulation, and antioxidant capacities in Triticum aestivum L. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY & HEALTH, 2013, 35: 585-592.
5)Haiou Wang, Guangrong Zhong., Effects of phosphorus supply on copper tolerance and antioxidative reaction in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings.SENSOR LETTERS 2012 (10), 1 –8
6)Haiou Wang, Guangrong Zhong, Hai Yan, Hu Liu, Yao Wang, and Chun Zhang. Control of the Growth of Harmful Cyanobacterial by Three Submerged Macrophytes in Guishui Lake. 2012( 29), 420-425
7)Haiou wang, Guangrong Zhong, Effect of organic ligands on accumulation of copper in hyperaccumulator and nonaccumulator Commelina communis. Biologcial Trace Element Research. Biol Trace Elem Res (2011) 143:489–499
8)Haiou Wang, Guangrong Zhong.et al., Toxicity of Cu, Pb, and Zn on seed germination and young seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), The Fourth International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, IFIP-346, 2010.
9)Haiou Wang, Xiao-Quan Shan, Bei Wen et al. Responses of antioxidative enzymes to accumulation of copper in a copper hyperaccumulator of Commoelina Communis. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 2004, 47, 185-192.
10)Haiou Wang,Xiao-Quan Shan, Shuzhen Zhang et al. Preliminary characterization of a light-rare-earth-element-binding peptide of a natural perennial fern Dicranopteris dichotoma. Anal Bioanal Chem 2003, 376, 49-52.
11)Xiaoquan Shan , Haiou Wang, Shuzhen Zhang et al. Accumulation and uptake of light rare earth elements in a hyperaccumulator Dicropteris Dichotoma. Plant Science 2003,165, 1343-1353.